
张燕咏教授:计算机科学与技术学院副院长,国家高级专家,IEEE Fellow, 科技部2030下一代人工智能重大项目负责人。2018年全职加入中国科大前任美国罗格斯大学正教授。发表学术论文140余篇。18年以前主持、参与十五个美国自然科学基金项目,包括NSF Career Award。 现(曾)任ToN, TMC, TSC, Smart Health等期刊的编委。



  1. Wuyang Zhang, Sugang Li, Luyang Liu, Zhenhua Jia, Yanyong Zhang, Dipankar Raychaudhuri.Hetero-Edge: Orchestration of Real-time Vision Applications on Heterogeneous Edge Clouds. Proceedings of IEEE Infocom 2019.

  2. Zhenhua Jia, Xinmeng Lyu, Wuyang Zhang, Richard P Martin, Richard E Howard, Yanyong Zhang.Continuous Low-Power Ammonia Monitoring Using Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks. Proceedings of ACM Sensys, 224-236, 2018.

  3. Xiaoran Fan, Han Ding, Sugang Li, Michael Sanzari, Yanyong Zhang, Wade Trappe, Zhu Han, Richard E Howard. Energy-Ball: Wireless Power Transfer for Batteryless Internet of Things through Distributed Beamforming. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 2(2), page 65. Presented at ACM Ubicomp 2018.  

  4. Xiaoran Fan, Zhijie Zhang, Wade Trappe, Yanyong Zhang, Rich Howard, Zhu Han. Secret-Focus: A Practical Physical Layer Secret Communication System by Perturbing Focused Phases in Distributed Beamforming. Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, 2018.

  5. Sugang Li, Xiaoran Fan, Yanyong Zhang, Wade Trappe, Janne Lindqvist, Richard E Howard.Auto++: Detecting cars using embedded microphones in real-time. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 1(3), page 70. Presented at ACM Ubicomp 2017.